
Summer Reading Shout-out

Page history last edited by Lynell Butler-Williams 13 years, 8 months ago






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I don't know about you, but I am so excited about all the great programs and activities available to encourage students to read this summer!


Because summer reading is so important to your future success and academic achievement, many organizations are sponsoring reading programs.  I am encouraging students to participate in at least one of the following programs—or all four.  Hint: You can use the same books for all four! 


1)      Baltimore County Public Library’s Summer Reading Club (June 20 - Aug 13), “One World, Many Stories.”  You will have the opportunity to register here at school or you may register online at; the library has brought back prizes so for every three books you read, you may enter a drawing for the prize you really want!


2)      Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher of children’s books, is challenging students all over the globe to Read for a World’s Record—to read 75 million minutes over the summer. Check out the webpage:  The 20 schools with the most minutes will be featured in the 2012 Scholastic Book of World Records. As a school, I am challenging SWA students to read 100,000 minutes from May 16 - August 31, so if 100 students just read 10 minutes/day each day we would exceed our goal! Students who wish to participate will given a log to record their minutes; a copy will also be uploaded to the wiki.


3)      Barnes and Noble’s Summer Reading program, Imagination’s Destination (May 24 – Sept 6) is offering students a FREE book if they just read 8 books!  BN is rewarding parents too! Parents when you come in with your child to return a completed reading log, you can enter to win a NOOK Color eReader!! Check out the webpage:


4)      Finally, last summer, I challenged students to try to read more books (100+ pages) during the summer than me.  I am issuing the same challenge again this summer!  All students who read more books than me will be treated to a Pizza Lunch in the library early in September. 


Click on this link to go to the Spectacular Summer Reads page!





Comments (6)

Lynell Butler-Williams said

at 7:26 pm on Jun 28, 2011

Hello out there!! I got off to a slow start, but I am rolling now. I finished 2 books in 3 days. If you are into historical fiction (HF) or fractured fairy tales (FFT), read these: The Season (HF) and Kiss In Time (FFT).

julia said

at 6:02 pm on Jul 1, 2011

Hey miss brown. its julia so far i have read 12 books since school has let out. hope u can keep up.

julia said

at 6:14 pm on Jul 1, 2011

p.s. did u check the min. read for our school 478. :-((

Lynell Butler-Williams said

at 11:05 am on Jul 2, 2011

HI Julia! Great job! At this point, you are kicking my bootie! I've finished 5 and on my 6th. I'll try to catch up with you this week since I'm not working at SWA.

Lynell Butler-Williams said

at 10:52 am on Jul 21, 2011

I just finished the best book! It is one of the 2011-2012 Black-eyed Susans entitled Out of My Mind by Sharon Draper. The main character is Melody and she was born with cerebral palsy, a condition, sometimes thought of as a group of disorders that can involve brain and nervous system functions such as movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and thinking. I highly recommend it; the book gives you great insight into what it is like to be a kid with disabilities.

Lynell Butler-Williams said

at 9:56 pm on Jul 31, 2011

I am closing in on 20 books read! Been kind of a slacker this summer, but I'm going to the beach next week so I'll be a book reading bathing beauty!

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